Comparison of methods for residual load forecasting with the aim of analyzing hydrogen as a balancing energy carrier.
Semester: | Wintersemester 2023 / 2024 |
Course: | BSc Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik |
Suitable as: | Bachelor's Project |
Group size: | 3-3 persons |
The research program "hyBit" aims to investigate the benefits of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the Bremen area. An important factor here is the analysis of available and required energy. The BIMAQ has a unique data set on load and generation energy in Germany, which focuses in particular on renewable energies (GeoWiSol data set).
Within the project, the temporally and spatially resolved residual load will be determined and methods will be developed to predict the residual load. Several such methods will be compared. The influence of weather conditions on the results will also be investigated. At the end of the project, the potential of hydrogen as an energy carrier to balance the residual load on a spatial and temporal level will be investigated.
Contact Details
Jakob DieckmannE-Mail: Phone:+49 (0)421 218 646 22